Honestly I hate it when a character and their powers have to be nerfed for "the story to happen."

And yes,that is a incredibly lazy excuse cause there are numerous ways to progress and ensure the story happening without having to nerf and take out one of your characters and all it requires is some genuine creativity to be able to porgtess the story and characters and narrative WITHOUT having to kill or remove said characters.

It's not only a lack of creativity but it also feels incredibly lazy as well from a writing and narrative standpoint cause what's even the point?for some half ass attempt at tension and stakes?you do know you could just make your villain stronger as well?

Basically..what I mean is Quicksilver in the X-men movies having to be killed or straight up removed from the movie cause his powers are so OP(or at least insanely useful)that there would be no movie if he stayed in,so thru just make up excuses like "oh he had to leave" and shit like that for some lazy excuse for the plot to progress.

I'd even argue Mark Grayson suffered those issues beforehand, the dude is strong as hell but in order for there to be "tension" and "stakes" he has to constantly hold back and get his ass whooped nearly 24/7.

He didn't even have to become the strongest beforehand but why the hell did bro suffer so many Ls despite his strength? Ok,maybe you wanna argue he holds back to not hurt innocents, which is fine.

But I deadass feel like his durability/endurance and speed alone should put him above a lot of the Verse. Like why Isn't this man dodging?

But he is gonna start working harder which makes me happy but still.

I would even argue the Flash suffers those kinds of weaknesses and issues as well but tbh..Super Speed is literally one of those powers that just is kind of a pain to properly use in a story cause it really breaks the plot if you think about it for more then 5 seconds.

It's like if a writer makes a character legitimately hax and is like "shit,how do I do tension?oh,I'll just nerf them."

Seriously that always felt so dumb to me.

It literally feels like them going "why are you nerfing them when they could solve these issues in a snap?" "So the movie can happen."