DBS Manga’s Goku Black Arc is the definition of fanservice saving an arc

Like lol, I know the arc’s anime version is universally hated in the community, everyone hates it, fans, haters, non-fans, etc. But somehow, its manga version is universally loved by everyone, just by changing some little details in story, making Zamasu edgy and retconning SSGSS, Toyble made the arc “better”, while in reality, most times Toyble did that, it made the manga worse than the anime. Fans just look at the cool additions in the manga and claim them peak or better than the anime’s. No they’re not, it’s just fanservice in disguise and they did nothing to the story.

  • Vegeta has Super Saiyan God? Yah the God form is cool but it not appearing in the story doesn’t change anything. Like what’s the point of SS God appearing in the story after the first arc? After the first arc of DBS, SS God only serves as a fodder transformation, lol. It’s like after you debuting SS4 in the Baby Arc, you had Goku turning SS5 in the Super 17 Arc, and he just used SS4 for the sake of stamina storiation. I know powercreep exists but like, if you wanted SS God to be relevant, just made it the peak transformation for a while, DBS literally threw SS God away and used SSGSS as the replacement, it’s the same reason why Toei did not use SS God until the Tournament of Asspulls Arc, Also SS God form did nothing in the Black Arc really, it was just there for Vegeta to switch it with SSGSS, which was logically the dumbest strategy ever, and it did not even kill or hurt Evil Goku so, it indeed made things worse since Goku alone could have soloed both Evil Goku and Green Obito anyway.
  • SS God/Blue switching is cool? No, it is just stupid, like we all know that Super Saiyan forms increase the Saiyan’s speed right? If we assume that SSGSS is SS God with SS’s multiplier (which is confirmed in guildebooks) then a SSGSS would have at least 50 times the speed of a SS God, which is a very big gap, it’s not like SS forms don’t increase speed anyway, base Goku got blitzed by Freeza on Namek and when he was a Super Saiyan, he causally gave Freeza the “Makima treatment”. The Super Saiyan Blue/God swtiching thing is just beyond stupid, the enemy might one-shot you before you could transform. Lucky for Lgeta, Toyble was not a good powerscaler, he would ignore the whole thing and just draw whatever he thought was cool (Toyble also drew the SS1-4 switching thing in his AF manga so you know how bad he was at powerscaling)
  • Evil Goku is not Black, he’s just Goku with Obito’s evilness, which doesn’t make him cool at all. His normal Super Saiyan form is bad, it’s just there. His Super Saiyan Rosé is a massive plot hole, and the explanation for it is pretty much non-existence, like lmao his fusion doesn’t have pink hair so what gives. His personality is also horrible, he’s just generic DBZ movie bad guy who is sadistic, that is. He is not even consistent with his own goal, he wants to complete the Project Zero Human, but he also wasted a whole year by keeping Trunks alive. He also just ignored the future timeline when he and Green Obito were about to leave the timeline because of worrying that Zeno would come to erase them, they did not even feel bad or sad about their “utopia” being incomplete, they were like “yah time to go, but before going, we should kill some ningens on Earth to satisfy our hatred” or whatever. Evil Goku is so generic that he is literally Freeza in skin of Goku, which would make people feel nostalgic.
  • Evil Goku’s Super Saiyan Rosé is stupid, Evil Goku is just evil, that is. Goku Black in the anime, he at least awakened new moves and he acted cool, Goku Black’s movesets changed almost completely as a Super Saiyan Rosé, he fought like a yandere girl to be honest lol. Goku Black in the manga is just the same as a Super Saiyan Rosé, he now just changes the “skin” of his energy blasts, end.
  • Does Evil Goku’s power make any sense? Like he got a massive retcon before the fight against Vegeta. Orignally he was supposed to be stronger than SS3 Goku, somehow in the fight against Lgeta, Super Saiyan Evil Goku was stomped by SS2 Vegeta. Don’t even tell me Vegeta mastered SS2, it’s dumb, and was never implied in the manga neither. And even the “mastered” SS2 Trunks was stomped by base form Evil Goku so. After getting beaten by Vegeta, Super Saiyan Evil Goku somehow managed to hold his own against SSGSS Lgeta, like how? Vegeta even ate a Senzu and he still did not manage to beat Evil Goku up. Then Evil Goku went SS Rosé which is SSGSS according to Green Obito, which meant that SS Pink Evil Goku was like SSGSS Gogeta level or something. But no, Evil Goku fought Vegeta again after Vegeta trained in the Room of Spirit and Time, and somehow Vegeta, as a Super Saiyan God, not only managed to dodge all the attacks from SS Pink Evil Goku, but also managed to deal with his attacks… And somehow Evil Goku did survive blows from SSGSS Vegeta… What an inconsistent scaling… It’s not even like the anime has the same issue, Goku Black in the anime had a far more consistent scaling, he without transformations is consistently SS3 Goku level, he took blows from an enraged SS2 Trunks and beat him causally, he fought on par with SS2 Goku without using his full strength, he even managed to fight back a held back Vegeta.
  • Perfected SSGSS is a massive retcon, like it was already established in the manga’s Universe 6 Arc that SSGSS weakens the user by consuming its user’s stamina quickly, by that logic, Vegeta technically used the form’s 100% power against Evil Goku by switching the forms, reducing the time using the Blue form. Somehow Toyble asspulled Perfected SSGSS, which is the worst version of SSGSS, its entire gimmick was to suppressing the Ki leaking when using the Blue form, which was fine on paper until you realized that Vegeta did a similar thing and he seemed not to have a chance against the fusion of Evil Goku and Green Obito… Then somehow, Perfected SSGSS Goku fought well against that fusion… like what? Why is Perfected SSGSS is that effective? It’s not even like Perfected SSGSS is some kind of enhanced form of SSGSS like SSGSS evolved or an invisible Kaio-ken x10 SSGSS, it was literally stated to be SSGSS but using its full power, it’s not like “oh this SSGSS variation increase the Saiya People’s power to their upmost limits”. The only way I can explain it is that SSGSS somehow lost 99% of its power whenever user uses it, which makes the form fucking trash. Not to mention Goku also fought another SSGSS character. Remember that Merged Zamasu aka the fusion of Evil Goku and Green Obito is also a SSGSS? Merged Zamasu could technically have an unlimited SSGSS form with no stamina issue, cuz he’s fucking immortal, he’s so immortal to the point that half piece of himself already have the same power level as his original self. Merged Zamasu should have had Perfected SSGSS all the time, and should have demolish Goku lol. The main reason why the Perfected SSGSS is so loved is because of the fight against Merged Zamasu which was like Cell VS Goku in the Cell Games, Merged Zamasu being half-naked in the fight, which is the second dumbest male character fanservice scene after Madara randomly losing his armor after being revived to me, and also because Perfected SSGSS reminds people of Goku mastering Super Saiyan back in the Cell Arc, which is 100% nostalgia bait.
  • Merged Zamasu in the manga is the composite DBZ movies villains, he has as much personality as them, and he has no original move anyway. Katchin blocks throwing? Shin did it in the original manga, and it was his skill in Budokai 3 too (Supernatural ability capsule skill remember?), his portal thing is from Janemba, it’s now black instead of being transparent. His cloning ability is from Majin Boo, and the famous cloning scene is pretty much a copy of Metal Coora army’s scene from the 6th DBZ movie, it’s so obvious that the scene is a cheap nostalgia bait, Goku and Vegeta even had the same damaged costumes against Zamasu’s clones. Toyble tried to make us care about that scene by making Goku and Vegeta “sacrificing”, which is just lol, Goku and Vegeta died so much in the franchise, if they died there, nothing would even matter. At least the anime made a much better emotional scene by making Infinite Zamasu killing all the Earthling survivors. You could literally Future Mai went desperately panicked and tried to use her shotgun shooting Zamasu, she promised the kids that she and the Z Fighters could somehow finish Zamasu off and save the future, now the kids and the rest of survivors were dead, the promise was broken, it was the reason why the ending of the anime’s arc is so disliked, you made so much hopes just to see them all vanishing a flash. The same thing doesn’t happen in the manga, it’s just the clones of Zamasu stupidly said that they would chase Trunks back to the past using their own time machines which is the dumbest plan Zamasu ever came up with in the manga. And about Goku and Vegeta? Yah it’s so bad that people were making memes of Goku and Vegeta taking those clones down lol.
  • Vegetto was better in the manga? No? His fight scene sucks in the manga, he just went SSGSS, punched and energy blasted Zamasu for like, less than a chapter, and then defused… he pretty much did nothing. The main reason DBS manga’s Vegetto was so liked in comparison to his anime counterpart is that he got Zamasu the Boo treatment… That is, just pure fanservice.