What is and what is not “male fanservice” in anime

This has been bothering me for a while, but especially now since someone made a post about fanservice on this sub

Anyway, there seems to be this idea among certain people that a male character simply having their shirt off and showing some abs counts as "male fanservice". But what these people are missing here is that the intent and framing matters.

Let me explain, it's one thing to have a character that just so happens to have large boobs. It's another have this same character wear extra tight, revealing clothing while the camera zooms in on their chest and that "WOW" sound effect plays in the background. It's another to have their clothing get ripped off to reveal their chest, have their boobs bounce around for breathing too hard I guess, or just flat out get groped.

When Luffy or Goku or whoever the fuck is shirtless and have big muscles in certain shots, it's not meant to be titillating or sexy. If anything, it's meant to feed into a male power fantasy. It supposed to make people wanna go "damn wish I was buff like that"

Real male fanservice would be like Free! or Golden Kamuy. The intent to sexualize the male character is clear as day. Asses are out, dicks are out, camera is lingering on their body, etc etc.