I think Frierens Demons are subpar and out of place

At first I didn't think I would like Frieren, the pace wasn't to my liking and no specific character drew me in so at around episode four I dropped it, I picked it back up some months later and couldn't put the show down. It had almost everything I would want out of a fantasy anime if we're talking strictly from a storytelling perspective but the inclusion of demons made my enthusiasm stop a significant amount and I can't find myself motivated to continue any longer.

The Great Mage Flamme describes demons as articulate monsters that cannot coexist with other races. By nature, they are deceptive, speaking to humans only to manipulate them into lowering their guard. Though they can use language effectively, they do so without truly understanding its meaning.

Demons in a since are the perfect antagonist, they are a force in which the only correct choice when dealing with them are no mercy and immediate violence.

Despite being shown the ability to both reason and cooperate with humans without pretense all of their goodwill can be hand waived away with the precipice that demons are inherently manipulative. For example the scene of the child demon killing a village chief to make peace with the family of a girl she previously ate by giving the chiets daughter to them cannot be seen as an actual attempt at peace or the establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship but a self preserving behavior with the only purpose being to save her own skin possibly in the future.

Demons seem like one massive cop out, and an excuse for lazy writing with the excuse of a fresh perspective and false depth.

Demons could have worked for me if they weren’t the primary antagonist, if they were reoccurring side antagonists I wouldn’t have this rant whatsoever. But to me a primary antagonist is something that makes or breaks your series and is oftentimes just as important as the main character.

I rate demons dookie/10