How Marvel fumbled with Carol Danvers being half Kree is something I'll never understand
I'm not sure if this angle is still canon to her character. I want to like her comics but I just being myself to do so.
The idea of Captain Marvel being part Kree (blue skinned warrior race) was a concept I really liked. It gave a much needed character arc for Carol and an internal struggle angle to work with.
They could have gone all Superman vs Zod and rogue Kryptonians on this and have Carol have a moment of "Are we the baddies?" and decide to stay with the Kree or humans.
Sure Ronan the Accuser can be a big antagonist for Carol, but I don't see him out muscling her. Moonstone could do it though I would have her reconed as a Kree. Carol Danvers does not have many power house villains so this would give her some adversaries to fight.
This idea would make her comics worth while instead of being rebooted all the time.