‘Slapchop’ for CSM?

Has anyone tried the ‘slapchop’ technique for CSM?

The reason I ask is that I’m a returning 40K newbie and it’s taken me 5 weeks to finish 10 CSM models.

With work / kids / life I haven’t much time to paint and I find myself painting in 30min bursts when I can find the time.

I think I’d underestimated just how time consuming this hobby can be with building, painting, playing etc.

I know that people will say ‘just enjoy the process etc etc’ and I do, but I feel like it’ll take me so long to actually get a playable force together. I also want the minis to look half decent though.

So I’ve seen this slapchop thing online and I tried it on a couple of old models I got with varying levels of success but I wondered if anyone’s used it for chaos? Specifically a dark blue / gold Nightlords sort of scheme.

Any other advice on trying to balance the lack of painting time with the desire to have good looking minis would also be appreciated.