Low but doubling hCG… How many independent beta draws is enough?

I’ve been doing some independent LapCorp hCG draws since my first BFP and now I’m torn between getting 1-2 more and just kind of relaxing/letting things be until my appointment at the end of next month.

Here are my numbers so far: 9 DPO - 11 11 DPO - 39 14 DPO - 153

We leave town on Thursday morning for Disney, so if I plan to do another one it either needs to be Wednesday (16 DPO) or Monday (21 DPO). At this point, I’m not sure what I’m even looking for with additional tests or what info they can provide other than maybe reassurance that numbers are still going up and I am still pregnant? Although I’ve seen plenty of posts where people had high hCG numbers and still suffered a loss, so maybe it’s better to just kind of let go of the numbers and let things be until we have our first scan?

I’m so torn.