Please help me from losing my sanity!
Hey everyone, I got a very faint line on Saturday (11 DPO) with frer and I was over the moon! Sunday (12 DPO) was a bit darker but on Monday morning (13 DPO) it was kind of similar to 12 DPO but I just ruled it out as over hydration as I have just chugged a water bottled 3 hours prior. Yesterday, Monday (13 DPO) I got my beta HCG done and it was 55, (which I know is within the normal) but I’ve done a cheapie test because I ran out of FRER, after chugging water and holding for 3.5 hours and the line was so faint I had to squint. I am telling myself again that it can just be from over hydration…
Please note that I’ve been chugging water because I have a suspected UTI…
I don’t even know what to feel anymore, has anyone had a similar situation? What do you guys think of my beta HCG? I’ll be doing another test tomorrow, Wednesday (16 DPO) to see if my numbers are doubling, but before then can someone please share me positive stories about their pregnancy with a low-ish HCG.
Thank you.