So I'm bisexual. What do I do now?
I first started realizing more about my sexuality a couple weeks ago when I started to apply some thinking to a story I heard online, which led to the realization that I am bisexual after a few weeks of being bi-curious. There's this video titled "The Catholic Church Doesn't Know What to Do With Gay People," by "Gay (ex) Trad" that made me research more into how homosexual acts and homosexuality are viewed by the Roman Catholic Church, and it's obvious to see that the Church's conclusion on the topic is negative. This has had a pretty negative effect on my mental health, as me and others like me are viewed by millions as sexual deviants that shouldn't exist.
The main problem I face now is who shall I end up with? If I end up with a life-long relationship with a woman, the problem still subtly persists, as I still remain bisexual. But if I end up with a life-long relationship with a man, well, according to the Church, I'm in big trouble, just for me being me. I'm literally three months into being sixteen and I'm already handling a lot of mental burdens and problems. I really don't wish to end up in hell in case Catholicism is true (which, as I dwelve more into the doctrines and views of the Catholic Church, seems increasingly more and more likely the Catholic Church is the legitimate Church. I am agnostic but lean more towards theism).
I don't type this whole post to argue or create any messy dialogue (which I'm sure will be removed either way), I came here seeking advice from other online Catholics as to how I should deal with this.