What is your inner monologue like? People with anendophasia lack an inner monologue.

Life Science had an article saying that 5 to 10% of people have anendophasia, or no inner monologue. That lack affects their ability to remember things.

I don't think in sentences or words - or at least they're not words I can hear. Like, if I need to go to the grocery store, I'll see images of aisles and write down the names of things. I talked out loud to myself when alone during COVID, so I assume that counts though. The only time I know I think of words is in songs or poems. The weird thing is that I'm a writer, so the thoughts skip my head saying it and just go straight into text or paper.

Do you think in full sentences? Or lead words? Or words at all? Are you an organized thinker? Has that changed over time?