I’m reaching my breaking point

TLDR: Workplace is extremely shitty and I’m putting my two weeks in soon.

Edit: I put my 2 weeks in :)

I have been working as a pharm tech for a little over 3 months and I’m already about to put my 2 weeks in. I’m tired of putting up with really rude customers… getting yelled at and full on cursed out every day because THEIR insurance needs to approve their script, THEIR doctor needs to get back to us before we fill their script, or because cvs sent them a text saying their script was in process and they showed up thinking it was done so they get pissy because it’s not done yet and have to wait for it to be expedited. I’m so tired of being everyone’s punching bag and just taking it because I’ll get in trouble if I stand up for myself. My store is a high script store so we fill a TON of prescriptions a day (as most of you probably do). Our drive thru window is broken so we have to use the phone, we are short staffed and being over worked, coworkers are extremely toxic and cliquey and talk behind everyone’s backs, shitty scheduling and switching schedules without telling people, coworkers shame other coworkers for having accommodations for illnesses… there’s just so much to unpack and it’s an extremely toxic environment. I have reported it twice and basically all my manager said was “Oh yeah I know about everything going on in there. Can’t do much about it right now.” Like… thanks…

My last straw was New Year’s Eve when everyone and their mother (literally) decided to get their prescriptions filled on the last day of the year. There was 1.5 hours left of my shift and the rush was over with, so there was barely anyone in the store. There was an incident involving an older man that occurred at pick up that is not appropriate for Reddit. Let’s just say it was an extremely inappropriate and disgusting action he was doing while talking to me at the register and it was quite literally sexual harassment. I reported it the next day to the pharmacist because I was scared to the day before but even when I told my coworkers what happened, all they said was “oh my god that’s awful I’m so sorry that happened to you.” I feel so disgusting and anxious to even go back into work. I already feel stressed out going in because of how awful some of my coworkers are and now to deal with this man that is a REGULAR who might come back???? Yes, I reported it but the cameras aren’t even posted at the register so wtf are they going to do. I’m just disgusted and over this company. I don’t feel safe working there anymore.

They don’t care about the health and wellbeing of their employees. I’m so stressed out to the point that my own health issues are progressively getting worse again. I literally can’t handle it anymore. I hope no one else goes through anything of the sort.