Biggest mistakes new CPG sales reps make

Every CPG sales rep has had to learn some lessons the hard way. When I first got started, I quickly realized that things like knowing your numbers inside out and understanding retailer priorities are just as important as having a great pitch.

Some common rookie mistakes I’ve seen (or made myself):

1) Focusing too much on the product, not the retailer’s needs. Buyers care about margins, turns, and category growth more than your product. 2) Not preparing for objections. Retailers will push back on price, shelf space, and promos. Knowing how to respond is key. 3) Ignoring store-level execution: Getting a product into a retailer is one thing, but ensuring it sells off the shelf is another.

Would love to hear from other sales reps here. What mistakes did you make early on, and what advice would you give to new CPG sales reps?

Update: Corrected some typos.