Foreign Currency contradictory statements on Becker.

I’m struggling to fully understand foreign currency items. I swear Becker is giving me contradictory information about foreign currency translations and transactions. What is the difference between the two? Do they go towards net income or OCI?

The PUFI section of the textbook says translations and transactions go towards OCI, but this MC question says translations go towards OCI, while transactions go towards net income.

Honestly I think this MCQ is confusing because if the domestic currency exchange rate goes down, then I would assume that means the foreign currency went up, which would mean that an AP would go up, which means this would be a loss instead of a gain.

By the way, none of the lectures in F1 touch on foreign currency translation. The first time I ever saw it was in an MCQ.

I’ve attached pictures of the textbook and the MCQ explanations where I think I’m seeing contradictory statements. Can someone let me know if I’m reading this wrong or clear this up for me?