One-handed Self Defense, Carry

I wasn’t sure if this should go in /ccw or if there is a general gun subreddit more appropriate. I hope this is okay.

In an accident, I lost my right hand and broke all the bones in my left hand. I have been months rehabilitating my left hand to be useful again. I’ve been relearning stuff like how to dress myself. I’ve replaced all shoes with slip on types, can use only ratchet style belts and clip one ties.

Shooting and self defense have been on my mind a lot. My grip is not yet strong enough to shoot anything but an old Ruger single six .22 revolver, and even that hurts a bit. But I’ve been doing dry fire practice with Glocks, M&Ps, and revolvers. One handed reloading is slow and clunky but I’m getting better. I can only rack a slide by catching the rear sight on my belt. Plus doing all this left handed still feels awkward

I am sure I will be back to being able to daily carry a G17 (on weekends) and a Bodyguard 2.0 (for the NPE where I work during the week) as my hand and wrist tendons get stronger. But let me tell you putting on holsters and tucking in shirts are a bitch. Also, the three fingers where I broke knuckles have this annoying tendency to slip out of socket and freeze in a closed position when I grip something slim like a pen for a fork. Luckily a pistol grips, so far, are too fat to cause that.

The big problem is long guns. I have kept a cheap Mav 88 bedside for HD. I can’t exactly keep a traditional three points of contact. Best I can do is grip hard and pull in to my shoulder, and rest the forend on my forearm. Which is bad for recoil control.

I guess I am limited to hand guns for the time being.

Assuming I regain strength in my left hand enough not to limp wrist etc… and won’t have to switch to an M&P EZ .380 or a .22 to defend myself, I’ll be okay… I guess I’m just asking if anyone has any thoughts, experience, or advice for me. Hell, I’d take a joke or something just to cheer me up a little, haha
