Winter jacket but with more requirements than just BIFL
Hi all! It's that time of year again (cold), and I've decided it's finally time to buy a winter jacket. Nota bene I do not own one currently, and I want this to be the only one I ever have to buy.
I've already researched the sub quite a bit but I still feel super lost. Brands that I've already thoroughly looked into are (amongst others) Carhartt, Patagonia, Fjäll Räven and North Face.
My budget is max 600 euros (though I might be flexible with that, depending on if I can ask my parents to help pay for it). The main non-BIFL requirements are these;
- Wind and water proof. (I'm from the Netherlands, "wind and water" is the only kind of weather we have here, and none of my current jackets are proof to either.)
- Produced under fair circumstances. (which means no sweatshop-products. I really don't care how good or expensive the brand is, I just really don't want something that's sewn in some third world country by underpaid workers, neither do I want to support a brand who earns their money with a business model like that!)
- Brand that's from my region (Europe). (I know Carhartt is amazing but I prefer something that's as local as possible so that it's not shipped all over the world for no good reason, and so I can support a business from here)
- Semi-fashionable..? I don't care about appearances a lot, but I wouldn't want to wear something from (for example) Arcteryx because I feel like that just screams "look at me, I have so much money!", and I'm not comfortable with that.
- Good for the city but also for outdoors. (In my day to day life I'm a total urbanite, and the most the jacket will do for me is keeping me warm when I cycle to school. However, I do have a hobby for trekking and camping, and I would want a jacket that's fit for both circumstances. I'm aware there's jackets that are cheaper because they're not as durable and only made for in the city, but that's not what I'm looking for!)
Thanks in advance for any and all advice! A jacket I already found that I quite like is the Skogsö Padded Jacket from Fjäll Räven but according to all the reviews, the zipper breaks in just a couple months and that really turns me off from making the investment. (ofc I'm not opposed to getting the jacket repaired occasionally, as I plan to keep it Forever)
I'm male and 20 years old if that makes a difference.