Even most libertarians see no value in bitcoin and admit that a fixed money supply is absolutely stupid.


I have read some posts in libertarian communities because I was interested in their opinions about fiat, gold and bitcoin. In conclusion: 9/10 libertarians see no value, no sense and no utility in bitcoin. They admit that a fixed supply for a currency would be a complete disaster and would create endless recessions and depressions. So the only people buying bitcoin are just people who wanna get rich. There was one post whith the question if the world should go back to a goldstandard. 8/10 libertarians in there rejected the idea. They admit that gold could not handle an economy and fiat is the better option. They do not call fiat a bad idea, they only criticize the implementation.

So even most libertarians have realized that fiat currencies are the best option for an economy. Bitcoin is just speculation for gambling addicts, whales to make more money by just manipulating the price and for criminals. Everytime a so called Bitcoin maximalist grambles about fiat just to justify his Bitcoin gamble he's completely lying or too deep into the believe of this cult.