What’s on my “fresh” poultry?

I signed up with Wild Pastures a couple months ago because I believed I was getting fresh, healthy meat, as well as animals that were treated well.

I got my last shipment and spatchcocked two whole chickens and found what looks to be some sort of mold or decay on them?? It doesn’t look like a bruise to me. It honestly grossed me out to the point that I tossed them in the trash. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I then began wondering if this company was legit or not in their marketing? I did contact the company and sent pictures. They assured me they would look into it and get back to me. That was three weeks ago and I’ve heard nothing.

At this point the only thing I’m really looking for is a company who does have legit “free roaming” animals living as healthy of a lifestyle that nature intended to purchase meat from. I live in Northern, CA. Thanks in advance!

Also, anybody have any idea what the black stuff is that looks like it’s growing on the birds?