Why are they so weird?
Saw a girl that was incredibly exciting to me. Every single thing that she mentioned about her personality in which she’s looking for resonated with me. I don’t think I’ve been that excited to read a bio ever in my life. Paid the money send her a note telling her how much I resonate with her profile, she matches me and her first message is “music to my ears! So When are we meeting?”
Wow ok! I hit her back a couple hours later when I see the message with “love that energy how about tomorrow night we can get some drinks and food” and added my number as well. Nothing. Couple days later I send a voice note. Nothing. Finally a couple more days later I send a funny st Patrick’s note saying something like today might be the perfect day to wear the green Jordan’s in her pic. Nothing.
Honestly this happens all the time. FWIW I’m a comedy writer and have had plenty of success with apps but also so frustrated when this happens. I’m looking for the real thing and it’s just really discouraging when you’re finally super excited about somebody and you match and they wanna meet you and then they just ghost you for no reason.