Question on giving to someone that will probably use the money for drugs or alcohol

A small story.

Two brothers from different mothers grew up together. One brother did alright for himself. The other falling into drugs and alcohol and all the bad things that can grow from those behaviors. He tried to recover and even went to college, but the easy life drug him back and he went to jail several times.

The alright brother seen him around every now and then. He'd always come up and ask him if he could have some money stating it was for his mother. The alright brother gave when he could knowing he was being lied to. Every time the other brother sees the alright brother he will start a banter with him that always ends with, "Hey can you spare $5, $10, $20?" The alright brother gives whatever he can knowing that there is a great chance this money will be drank away or injected up the other brother's arm.

So, I am alright brother as you've probably discerned. I would like to think my action and giving is pure thinking if he is really hard up and needs food or clothes or something he'd spend it on that, but part of me knows he will just use it for drugs and alcohol. He asked. I had it to spare and so I gave freely.

Is my giving wrong and is it bad karma to give to someone that you have a good indication will use the money for awful things against anything Buddha taught?

Thank you!