Learning Buddhism Online Without interacting with a Sangha
Hi everyone, I have a friend who lives in a pretty isolated part of the UK, and suffers with some social anxiety.
They wish to experience some Buddhism, but without having to attend a Sangha in person or Online. So ideally prerecorded practises on YouTube or some other online resource that wouldn't require them to interact live with people in-person or on a zoom call or something.
They would like to try some meditations that were pre-recorded, that they can do at home.
They are primarily looking to get some inner calm from their social anxiety and so things which are meditative are of most interest, as opposed to Pujas etc.
They like the idea of things like a blanket, incense, bells and gongs etc. So they have requested I buy some of this stuff that may be used in Buddhist meditation and rituals and bring it to them, so ideally I am looking for something that incorporates those types of things, so they can follow along at home.
The meditations I have observed so far in Sangha included burning of incense, use of gongs etc and I found it sort of "heightened my senses" or something along those lines, so the experience is more interactive than just watching it through a screen, so I want them to have the same experience.
They know zero about meditation and Buddhism, so maybe some super guided meditation of some sort.
They aren't interested so much at the Pujas and Buddha worship elements.
Please note that this genuinely isn't for me. I have another thread about my own journey and I plan to learn Buddhism in person from a Sangha. Just in case anyone interprets this as "asking for a friend..." type post.
Also, feel free to bombard the thread with options, happy to look through all suggestions and see what is most suitable. They may want to try a few options to find exactly what resonates with their frequency the best anyway so no worries if a lot of options are provided. The more the merrier.
Thanks in advance, and positive thoughts and wishes for you all.