should i go back?

I recently broke up with my long distance girlfriend because it was getting hard and we would constantly argue and fight over dumb things (usually because of me being stupid). we are 3000 miles apart and we won’t be able to live together for at least 5 years when we are both out of college. i’m 18 she’s 19. we are both young and can’t visit each other often but i love her so much more than any relationship i’ve had before that wasn’t long distance. anyways i broke up with her because i want to be able to experience love and a relationship in person and have physical affection and not over the phone. i really thought she could’ve been my wife and she loved me so much and was patient with me. we’ve been dating for 6 months when i visited her in june. these past days i’ve felt hurt about it and i feel like im going to regret it when im older and think that maybe i should’ve just tried and waited.

should i get back with her? or should i get over it and try to move on?