All Might…?

During Deku’s 10 month training period before the enterence exam.

Edgeshot sprints into the bunker room where he, along with the rest of the top 10 heroes of Japan were alerted to meet up by the HPSC. If all of them were summoned, it had to mean there was a National threat that he somehow wasn’t aware of.

Once he makes his way inside, he sees all the heroes inside waiting.

Gang Orca: Edgeshot, do you know why we were all called here?

Edgeshot: No, I assumed the rest of you would know.

Ryuku: So none of us know why we were told to come here?

Hawks: So…what are the chances this is just a prank?

The heroes were confused, except Endevor who just looked pissed that his time was being wasted here.

At that moment, Edgeshot’s eyes widen, he sees something going to attack Crust! It’s fast!

Extending his body at the speed of sound, he’s barely able to pull him out of the way of the fist that was clearly intending on killing him.

They all look to see who they’re attacker is, only to gasp in horror as they see the Number 1 Hero, looking back at them, and for once he was not smiling…

Endeavor: All Might?!

A few hours later police and the HPSC would be breaking down the doors to the sealed off bunker, only to find every single hero inside dead, brutally. All except for All Might, in his skinny form, his old stomach wound threatening to reopen by the beating he took, but alive, barely, clearly almost taken down by the same assailant.

The next morning news stations all over would be reporting that 9 out of the 10 strongest heroes in Japan were all murdered…