Where are Bakugo’s fans?

And I swear I’m not trying to be “pick-me” here/get a Bakugo appreciation thread going. I just think it’s really strange how the voted number 1 most popular character in the show (from what I’ve seen) just gets relentless bashing and hate on every platform I see (barring TikTok). Even whenever I take to the search bar to find something other than hate, the vast majority of results are questioning why/how anyone could like him in the first place. Obviously I’m not doubting that he has supporters (a) I’m one of them, and b) he was literally voted most popular), I’m just genuinely confused why I don’t see more of them on the main sub of all things

(Also not hating on those who do dislike him, again I am genuinely wondering what’s with the disparity on one of the largest online MHA communities between his fans and the general discourse surrounding him)