Do you talk to family/friends about being a Boglehead?
As the sole breadwinner of the family who follows the Bogleheads approach, I end up in a lot of conversations with family and friends about finance.
They're usually amicable and they usually have honest questions about my approach. I'll also ask about their philosophy. What I've found is after having a lot of different conversations, almost no one is a Boglehead and almost nothing of what I say (total market stock index, with gradual rotation into bonds as you get closer retirement) sinks in. The most common things I come across are:
- people who horde gold and/or bitcoin because they believe the dollar will collapse or experience hyperinflation soon due to runaway monetary policies
- people who are all in on real estate, especially HCOL areas where rents can be quite low relative to the purchase price which means they're betting largely only on future appreciation. oh and paying 7% interest rates hasn't slowed them down either
- stock pickers. they will point to success in magnificent 7 companies
- daytraders
- people who point to lots of scammy sources like "guaranteed 2% gain per week" kind of thing