Does Teddy love Bob and Linda?? Like…… MORE than a friendship??
I know in the one epsiode where Nat takes the Belchers on the trip to give the snake, Gary back, Teddy was left alone in the resturant to keep fixing the celing (don't remember what because the tiles had fallen). Teddy goes behind the counter and pretends to be Bob then asks him(self) to marry Linda but adopt Bob, and somehow make Bob his kid?? I don't know. I STILL don't understand that aspect of it.
Then, in a later epsiode, where Teddy burns the gizbo down and the kids are telling stories to get him to fix the walk in light; Tina has Bob sit in Teddy's lap and connect his "seat belt". Granted, it IS in Tina's story and therefore head, but, it DOES have me wondering if Teddy DOES actually love Bob AND Linda??
Especially since in "The Bleaken part 2"; Bob is running around in the costume, trying to evade the police and hits Teddy in a Santa costume. Bob needs to hide and Teddy, in front of his HOUSE, decides to hide Bob IN the suite WITH him, being as close as POSSIBLE with him. When Bob questions it and therefore Teddy himself; Teddy keeps quieting him down. When Bob tries to leave the suite; Teddy protests.
Is Teddy IN love with BOTH Linda AND Bob??