Anyone else have a pro-fat bias?

I don't know if it's just because I have a chip on my shoulder about how most of the world tends to treat fat people worse than non-fat people, but I find myself going out of my way to do the opposite.

If I'm at a store or restaurant and the the employee I'm interacting with is fat, I'll be extra nice and smiley to them, maybe even give them a compliment if the opportunity comes up.

When I see fat influencers trying to make it in the world, I give them a follow and show support even if I'm not THAT into their content.

When I see a fat person walking on the street, I make sure to smile at them if we happen to make eye contact.

I know it's a strange thing to do as we shouldn't show bias towards anyone if we can help it, but as a fat person myself I know what it feels like to be self conscious that people are judging you for your size or how your clothing fits, how much you are or aren't eating, etc. For that reason, I can't help but feel a sense of inherent comradery towards other large folk and that makes me want to give them the feelings of acceptance that I wish was just the status quo.

Though I do sometimes wonder if it means less when it's coming from another fat person, as it means we're both in the same situation instead of bridging some sort of societal gap.