Born From The Screen Concept Designs!

Bendy The Cat!: A cute little kitty with white shoes, bendy limbs, white gloves, a puffy bowtie, and a huge grin! He love to cause mischief, but would never intentionally hurt anyone.

The Ink Monster: A tall, lanky, melting creature made of pure living ink, with a huge claw and oversized cloth glove, a flaccid bowtie sitting under his ribcage, and a large crescent moon head with ink covering his face, only a crudely drawn smile on his face. Everything about him should be cute and cartoonish, but has been born as a creature who will kill anything in its path for sustenance, mauling it to death just to rise to more power.

Samuel Lawrence: The composer for DrawHouse Films music now trapped inside the studio, drenched in ink and wearing a mask of Bendy, one eye cut out to see as he looms over ready to strike you with his axe in the shoulder and sacrifice you to his lord, The Ink Monster. He is deranged, and truly believes that Bendy is God and he will set him free.

The Real One: Nuh uh, not telling! I'm making this a sort of book thing that you can read when it's finished, and telling you about him would help major spoilers.