Born From The Screen Update post (Body text)
So, if you haven't seen my other posts this will make no sense to you so feel free to ignore this post but my upcoming fan game Born From The Screen is probably going to take years, because I'm a broke teenager who can't code for shit. So I thought instead, I would make it a novel that you can read for free online! (Don't quote me on that, might just end up making it a fundraiser for the full game and if you donate you can read it, then again someone could just copy paste it but I will figure something out, probably going to be free anyway). Here is Draft One Chapter One if you want to give it a read, obviously this is a first draft so it's not perfect, but I hope it's good enough to get you interested. I have big plans that deviate completely from the cannon Bendy universe, so stay turned if you like the sound of this! Also, I was thinking of maybe making certain parts of it into animated shorts with voice acting if I get the time, that will be when it's done though of course.