The New Dominican Food Truck at Dogwood

After work yesterday, my wife and I went on a date to the new Dogwood location. The new spot/service/drinks were excellent (I got their first wine pour ever!!) but not the topic of this post. We were browsing the food carts in the courtyard outside when a woman in the window of a blue food truck with “The Dominican” written on the side waved us over. She said, paraphrased, “I want to give you each a no-pressure, no-obligations sample.” Although neither of us thought we were in the mood for Dominican food, we were too polite to refuse. And it was a good thing we didn’t, because the sample of “La Bandera” we received was absolutely delicious. We asked about the rest of the menu. The woman, whose name turned out to be Trisha, recommended a few things and her husband (Robert) offered us another sample. 

We ended up ordering the Carne Frita, with high expectations. Those expectations proved to be far too low. I’m not shitting you Bend, that dish has to be one of the top three things I have ever eaten in Bend. It’s hard to compare every memory over the past 10 years (we’ve had a few meals at most places in town), but there is just no way it can’t be in contention. I literally told my wife as we ate in Dogwood, “with the exception of some rare steaks we’ve had over the years, this has to be the best meat I have ever tasted.” The onion, beans, and yucca were all super tasty and also very unique in flavor. 

So really this post is just a shout out to our new favorite food truck in Bend and a recommendation: If you’re in the market for something new and delicious, we couldn’t recommend them enough. We noticed afterwards that they do the food courier services (e.g. Grubhub, Uber Eats) until midnight, which is pretty awesome in a city that doesn’t have a lot of good late night options. They are certainly hustling to make their new food truck work and we will definitely be back to enjoy it.