Italian disappeared from Gemini Live?
Hi, 3-4 days ago I used Gemini Live in Italian an it was working ok.
I also tried Spanish (don't speak it, just "habla espanol?") and it worked, French (don't speak it, just "Je m'appelle Jean-Luc(Picard)") and it worked, Dutch, etc.
The day after and still now, if I ask in English to reply in Italian it does it, but when I speak Italian it seems to use English speech-to-text, so it remains silent until it can misuderstand it with English words that vaguely sound like what I said, resulting in no-sense sentences. ("facciamo una conversazione in italiano"->"conversation in italian" , "allora mi capisci?"->"a lot of a Canon Mogadishu", etc.)
English and the other languages (for the few I know) seems to work.
Do someone had some similar problem? I got an e-mail thread with the support but the first e-mail was useless ("have you updated android and the app?", "have you set the correct language", etc.).