Ch7 turned to nightmare

First of all Im really sorry for this long writing to take your time. Long story short l had multiple moves from 3states and unstable jobs and covid and also bad money management and wrong spendings put me really bad situation. I was basically paying debt with debt. And unexpected big payments came thru and l was still thinking l can manage it because l had stable job last 2years. But it didn’t work as l think. Finally Met with lawyer on first week of October 2024 he was saying per our conversation lm in CH7 and he asked 2500 + fees which he said he can’t fill until pay in full. And my wife paid it with her cc. he called me after a few days asked financial questions about income and all expenses to put them together. He send me all the forms before he file it for me to check and confirmed for CH7 and filed about mid October. Household Income 152k with 2 dependent in MA and total debt 122k and my wife isn’t filing. Mortgage is under her. She has also car payments, heloc, loan for replacing windows. Sch J shows income and expenses equal. My debts, Car loan(4years left to pay off) Best buy store credit Homedepot Chase cc Bank of america cc Capital one cc Discover cc Best egg personal loan Discovery personal loan Lending tree

Soon after filling all credit cards and loans companies received BK and there was no access for my statements except my checking and savings. And lawyer asked me all statements between oct 2023 and oct 2024. Sent him all checkins and saving acc statements. But couldn’t get Credit cards statements because of closed accounts. And lawyer said he will take care of them. I had my 341 on second week of November. Its over the phone it took almost 2hrs its because of 4 people before me had lots of issues. But mine took only 3mins trusty just asked how l ended up like this. And a week later lawyer sent me letter to answer some questions like how l did end up this much debt and why l didn’t have statements. Answered and sent. And Jan 2025 my case extended to feb 2025 under code 707(b) and lawyer said he will talk to them. And Feb 2024 extended to march 2024 l was trying to get In touch with lawyer but no answer my calls or email. And just 3days before due date lawyer called me said they might put you on ch13. I was like why and how. He didnt have any answer. And they were still asking reason for moving multiple times, why wife isn’t filling, why lm not in the mortgage and house title. And last day they asked another question, about “l did uber in 2022 but why l dont do it now” simply said l stop doing because not profitable. And they extended again to April 2025. And email the lawyer he said he doesnt know whats going on.

I have too much stress last 3months and l really don’t know what l can do. I also feel like my lawyer didn’t send anything about cc statements. I can’t get another lawyer because l don’t have money and l also don’t know how can l pay if they force me to ch13.