Had 341 today...

Sorry if I ramble on this post. Just wanted to talk about my 341 and entire bankruptcy experience.

341 was so easy. I had made myself sick with anxiety even though my lawyer kept saying it wasn't going to be a big deal. He was very unconcerned about the meeting.

For context, I was filing a Ch 7 with no assets, debt was around $37k. I'm single, no kids, and I'm in the Western District of Texas. I hired a lawyer too.

The things I was worried about:

  1. Haven't filed 2023 taxes (filed an extension) because I already owe $1400 from previous years and I will owe a little this year.
  2. I have a tiny side biz with an LLC. Hobby business with next to nothing in revenue.

I thought the trustee would make me file 2023 taxes before moving for a discharge and I thought I would have to answer a bunch of questions about my business - I've never done any bookkeeping or filed taxes for it. Chase also closed my biz cc as soon as filed and I wasn't expecting that.

As for both those concerns, he asked if I had file 2023 and I said I filed for an extension and he said that's ok. He didn't ask me one thing about my LLC.

I was last to go today in my group. He asked the same questions for everyone and didn't ask anything extra except for two people - one woman put she was owed $20,000 by an ex and he asked about that but once she explained she had no legal recourse to collect and the ex had disappeared, he just said ok.
The other guy had a Robinhood account and he listed the info for it as unknown so the trustee asked what was the most you ever had in it and when. He answered $7k that he withdrew in 2021.

I have never looked at Pacer - just seemed too stressful but do understand it's helpful to those who are filing pro se.

I also found this group helpful and stress inducing. It's so easy to hear other people's situations and think it will happen to you.

I worried about my monthly budget after reading that people had to move to a Ch 13 because of this. I'm well below means test but I'm staying with family and was worried that I had extra money in the eyes of the bankruptcy court. I pay for most of the groceries and truly don't have any money left after each paycheck but was worried my budget wouldn't be accepted. My lawyer listed several hundred dollars as contribution to household in lieu of rent and nothing was brought up today. My attorney did put $50 for my 8 year old rescue pitbull. She has cost me probably $10k over the years. Lol.

I couldn't have imagined doing this without a lawyer. It took me close to 5 months to get all the money together to pay him. I put a deposit down in October and filed March 29th.

Fingers crossed I don't hear anything the next 60 days and I'm discharged in July.

If anyone had any questions about my experience, I'm happy to answer! Having this community and support is very important!