Gangs in Little Rock Arkansas (Currently Active)
459 MurdaMob- Highland park Piru
PME/DMG- 62 Brim Bloodz
21ST Street (East Side)- Blood Stone Villian
Gudda Gang 727- Black Disciple
RingDing / GitBread- Rollin 20 Bloodz
DPG- SouthSide Piru & Conservative Vice Lordz
IkeyGang- LimeHood Piru
Elm Street/Evil Lane- West Side Piru
WSC- Various Crip sets in One
CSC/490- rollin 20/30 Cripz
WDA/900- Maryland Street Piru
OTG/GWAP- Black Disciple
LoadyG- Gangster Disciple and Rollin 90 Cripz
Ebk- Gangster Disciple and Rollin 90 Crips
There are several more sets/ cliques based out of Little Rock. But these are currently the most known & most violent ones. All involved in multiple killings and shootings. And top of the Gang Task force billboard