Just because your filament is new, doesn’t mean it’s dry.

The factories Chinese made filament is produced in (eg Bambulab’s PLA is made in Shenzhen) can easily be 70-80%+ humidity.

So it is very possible it was produced and sealed in a high-humidity environment, it doesn’t matter if where you live is dry. Sometimes you might get a dry spool, AWESOME! But there’s no way to test that, so dry it anyways.

PLEASE dry your filament. Either on your print bed, or in a filament dryer, or a dehydrator, just not your air fryer or oven or anything that you make food in! Sealing it in a container with dessicant DOESN’T count as drying, but it’s great practice for after you have dried it.

It rules out so many possible issues, like bed adhesion, layer adhesion, poor print quality

Thanks for reading my PSA 🙏🏻