Astarion's choice to complete Cazador's ritual or not

Personally, I think not doing the ritual is better for Astarion, while doing it is better regarding general morality. What kind of life would those people live? In the underdark, scrounging for food and being hunted by gods know what down there, not to mention the absolutely insane amount of them there are, which is a huge problem in itself. I think killing them would honestly be a mercy, after all their suffering they've been through, I think they just deserve to rest.

On the flipside, there is that thing where Astarion gets just a bit more evil depending on how you engage with him after he completes the ritual. It's clearly not a healthy choice for him as it is in the game, though I think if you weren't restricted to in-game actions and choices that you could help him keep himself through it.

Just wanted to talk about this for some reason lol, feel free to leave agreements or disagreements or whatever down below