The "evil playthroughs miss 80% of content" problem

Is there a solution to this? It seems, frankly, like a huge design problem on Larian's part (and I love the game and the studio!).

An "evil" playthrough makes you permanently lose 2-3 of the 6 Origin characters/partymembers and potentially 1-2 of the 4 additional companions. Being "evil" allows you to easily unlock 1 of the 4 companions that "good" players can still unlock with clever gameplay.

But it does more than that. It wipes out all the Tieflings and their subsequent content, replacing all their sidequests, many of which are critical companion quests, with... Nothing. The same thing happens in Act 2 at Last Light, all of the important NPCs and their subsequent quests (and critical links for companion quests!) are erased and replaced with... nothing.

Evil playthroughs just wipe out side quests, side content, companion quests, companions, and replace them with, essentially, nothing. It's a huge, huge sacrifice that essentially makes any evil playthrough inherently feel shallow and empty.

But... why? Why do evil playthroughs have to be shallow and empty? Why do evil playthroughs largely get relegated to Chaotic Stupid/Mad Maniacal Evil Murderers without a sort of "middle ground" option to play more of a manipulative, calculating, Machiavellian, "Lawful Evil" type character? Moreover - and I recognize this could quickly spiral into an offtopic rant - why do SO MANY RPGs do this, boil down "evil" to "murdering and killing important NPCs so you have less content to play through?" Bioware RPGs like KotOR and Dragon Age do this, Owlcat RPGs like Pathfinder and Rogue Trader do this, Larian does this, why is it so hard to write an "interesting" or nuanced evil path that isn't centered around either (1) being a "less good" good character or (2) the idea of merely wiping out content?


I haven't played since all of the new "ending" content got patched in and Minthara was made more accessible by non-evil playthroughs. Did any of the new patches also bring with them updates that make "evil" playthroughs not requiring giving up 2/3rds of the game's content?