Is it just me who can't handle "Shart?"

IDK the backstory or even if there is one for calling Shadowheart "Shart," but I can't help but cringe every time I see it because of the meaning I've always known for that word. It is terribly unpleasant, unlike Shadowheart.

(For anyone who might not know, fart+shit=shart, an experience one typically only has if one is unfortunate enough to be dealing with diarrhea.)


  1. I readily admit I'm not big on potty humor. I suppose I'm a joke snob. I can live with this.

  2. I am so not shitting on you if this type of humor is your thing.

  3. I had NO idea how disliked Shadowheart is, but I kinda get it. She's a bit of a sarcastic brat. Maybe an acquired taste. Or maybe I'm also just a bit... shitty.

  4. Jennifer English using it helps. She can talk turdy and I'll still love it.

  5. I'm a woman, just for the record.

  6. Most of you, even those who use Shart, are awesome and funny, so thank you.