First time parent with irregular contractions.
Imy wife has been in labor since February 17 starting at 0200. Her contractions started very soft and steadily became more consistent. That morning she let me know she was able to slightly sleep through it. During the day we started walk out behind our house with each other. March 18 I was having strong contractions with lots of pain so we went to Labor and delivery because the contractions were 2 minutes apart to where we found out she's 3cm dilated so we went home.
This morning we've been dealing with the symptoms and we took the time to use a stop watch with each contraction. From this morning her contractions began with 4 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart and extended all the way to 6 minutes apart. It's now 5PM and the contractions are 3 minutes apart. She's 41 weeks and 3 days.
We're doing our best to hold out at home for as long as possible. My wife specifically told me "honey when I go into labor, don't take me to the hospital unless the water breaks or I start to whoop your butt because of the pain."
It absolutely hurts to see my wife in this much pain.
Any general advice?