My husband’s family keeps putting our baby info on blast online!

I just need to vent. To be clear I know no one meant any harm by this but I am just annoyed and need commiseration. So…my husband and I are the first born in both our families. His brothers already have kids. It started when we first found out we were pregnant and my husband told his mom right away (within 10 minutes) and sent a picture of the pregnancy test. I told him of course he could tell his brothers if he wanted to, but I wanted to wait to tell mine. Well one of his brothers posted our positive pregnancy test on FB. He didn’t tag either of us. He didn’t put a caption. I think he was trying to mess with his friends and make them think he was having another kid. But I was livid. My husband says it’s not a big deal but I was really upset at the time. Fast forward to now. We just found out the gender! I told my husband that I wanted to keep it between us. He wanted to tell his mom. I said ok, but I explicitly told her not to say anything to anybody else in the family. We both live out of state from our families so we’re not doing a gender reveal party. I ordered some gender reveal scratch off cards that I’m still waiting to get in the mail. My plan was to send them to individual family members and have them find out that way. My husband knows that I wanted to keep this a secret partially because of what happened with our positive pregnancy test getting posted online partially because this is our first baby and we don’t have any family around and I wanted to do a cute thing to make my family feel like they were a little bit more included than just over FaceTime or text message Anyway I guess his mom told his great aunt what the gender was. I had posted something on my Facebook page about some of the symptoms I’ve been having recently well my husband’s great aunt made him mention of the gender in a comment to me, basically saying, “Feel better and take care of your baby (gender)!” I immediately messaged her not to make any further mention on Facebook about the gender as I haven’t told my family yet. I hid the comment. I also informed my husband about this. I’m not mad at her. She probably didn’t know we were keeping it to ourselves for now. I get that everybody wants to be excited for us and we’re spread out so it would make sense that we wouldn’t have an official announcement or anything. Most of my family doesn’t use Facebook so there’s not really that much of a chance of anybody finding out it’s just the off chance that some cousins might see the comment so they might tell their parents before I get a chance to tell mine. This is the first grandbaby on my side of the family so maybe I’m a little bit more sensitive about it than I should be. I just want to do something cute and fun and make my family feel included. Anyway thanks for listening.