My husband doesn’t want to track and just wants to “see what happens”

Hi all! My husband and I are just starting our TTC journey and I’m looking for some words of wisdom/advice. I’m 30 and was on birth control for nearly 10 years. I stopped the pill in August and started taking pre natals. I got my period immediately after stopping and they’ve been regular every month so far. My husband and I were still being careful up until December, and have decided we’re ready to start trying.

I told him this week that I was ovulating and how we should, you know, really take advantage of this time. He seemed a bit uncomfortable with me bringing this up and thought we’d just “keep doing what we’re doing” until something happens to not put too much pressure on things. I understand to an extent and also don’t want to put too much pressure on things which is why I’m only using an app to track my period so I have an understanding of when my fertile window is, and keeping an eye on my cervical mucus for now. I’m concerned/confused however that he was so against “tracking” cause like if we want a fighting chance at conceiving that’s just what you have to do. He just doesn’t really seem to understand which makes me feel a bit anxious about this whole process. Has anyone elses partner had this reaction and if so how did you move forward? I don’t want to put pressure on him, but I also want to give us the best chances at conceiving.