Formula feeding should not be shamed

My friends just recently had a baby and their lactation consultant told them that formula is bad and that they shouldn’t let their baby drink from a bottle. When I heard that it kinda rubbed me the wrong way because as professional I don’t think you should go around saying that. What if a womans supply drops and she has to supplement with formula for a while until her supply picks back up? She may be filled with guilt over something you said and being a new mom and being affected by mom guilt is not easy.

My LO is 4 months and since the beginning he’s been formula fed. Until he was 2 months I used to pump and give him formula but my husband had to go back to work to work so pumping and doing everything else became hectic for me so I stopped and LO has been on formula ever since and he’s as healthy as can be🥰

I do have people give me shit for giving him formula even my mom when I was literally only formula fed when I was a baby 😑 but I don’t really care about what people say because he’s fed and healthy and that’s all that matters 🙂