a question.

hi i’m 16 and recently have been diagnosed with bpd. i have high functioning bpd and am in cognitive behavioral therapy, i have been becoming more aware of the traits i have and implemented coping mechanisms for my flares. when researching my diagnosis it’s come to my attention that a lot of people with bpd don’t have successful relationships so my question is this:

is it possible to have a healthy loving relationship when you have bpd? is it possible for your partner to believe they’re in a healthy relationship as well? is it possible for two people who have a cluster b personality disorder to love each other healthily?

i keep trying to find success stories but keep getting directed to the subreddit bpd l*ved *nes which has hurt my heart so much. will i never be in a relationship with someone successfully? i’m in a relationship and since i have started CBT, me and him have both been implementing coping mechanisms for each other. (as he is undiagnosed but most likely has cluster b personality disorder). CBT has helped as well, i’m less jealous than in previous relationships, he’s holding me accountable, i’m not being too overbearing but is it not ever possible regardless?

TLDR: as someone who has high functioning bpd, is going to cognitive behavioral therapy and working through their trauma is a healthy relationship ever possible?