do you believe marriage is possible for someone with bpd?

all i want is to grow old with my boyfriend, but i feel like my dependency on him is ruining my life. i cry whenever im not with him, i have constant anxiety that he's going to leave me, and even though he says he wants something long-term too, i worry that my instability is going to drive him away. i want to heal and prove to him that im capable of living a long life with him, but i worry that im just going to keep self-sabotaging. i feel like im destined to be alone and that im only going to get my heart broken over and over if i keep dreaming of something like marriage. i guess i just need some reassurance that it's possible, that im not deluding myself. i think if he leaves me i will be heartbroken forever, and i cant deal with that. ive made so many amazing memories with him and i dont want them to ever stop. i want to keep him forever and i dont know how to make the thoughts of him leaving stop. i worry that im never going to heal from feeling like this and that im not capable or deserving of having something so serious and beautiful with him. :(

edit: thank you everyone for sharing your stories and sending encouragement. im so happy to hear of everyone's amaxing experiences <3