Butch/more masc lingerie and play outfit suggestions
Hi folks! Just curious whether other folks out there have similar problems or ideas.
I’m a female(ish) identifying, queer D-type, but I am extremely uncomfortable in very femme clothing. I tend to dress pretty masc, I use masc play titles, but I find that all mainstream lingerie and play outfits for my body type (built like a Pixar mom) seem to be frilly, lacey, coquettish etc with an emphasis on being cute/sexy/often submissive. I recognise this is largely down to how I personally feel in the stuff, and I absolutely have seen femme lingerie on others looking powerful and hot, but it’s just not how it makes me feel.
I love dress up and fun outfits, but I just can’t seem to find a good selection that’s fun and I feel comfortable in. I’d love to hear ideas if anyone has them! Outfits/brands/suggestions all welcome.
ETA: thanks so much all for the suggestions, I’m failing at replying to all gonna have to gather them all together into a guide sometimes, would be happy to share if I get around it given how many amazing tips I’ve gotten!