I will never find love because of my chest
It's such a curse to have small breasts. Nothing ever looks good, they are disgustingly undeveloped, and they make me look like a little boy. To make matters worse, people make sure I know how undesirable I am by making mean and disgusting comments about it, even having whole communities dedicated to talking about how unattractive I am.
I've never seen a single bad comment or a whole community dedicated to shaming women for having big breasts, only ones that praise them for being so womanly and beautiful. Also, no clothes are designed with small-chested or flat-chested women in mind. The only representation we get in media is to make fun of us and point out how flawed we are, as if we've failed as women.
I've even been asked how I would breastfeed a child with no chest, with people saying my baby would starve. I don't even want children, but that still hurt deeply. Just because I'm flat, people see me as undeveloped and infertile.
I will never be happy with my chest, and no man will ever be happy with it either. I will never be able to satisfy or attract anyone because of this disgusting flaw on my body, and I can't even hide it. I hate myself, and I hate being trapped in this body until I can save thousands of dollars to get all the surgeries needed to finally look like a woman.