Does anyone else struggle with doors in general
This is a very specific thing but if anyone can relate, I think it's you guys.
I am hopeless when it comes to doors. The front door, bathroom doors, cabinet doors, screen doors. The doors on the bus. Train doors. Rotary doors!!
If there's a door between me and where I need to be, often I just get stuck. I panic. I pull when it says push. I can't wiggle the key the way it needs to be jiggled. I twist the door handle the wrong way. I won't be able to find the button that makes it open.
Even automatic doors don't seem to see me! I'll stand outside an automatic door and just wait for someone else to walk up, because I can't get it open.
This is a very minor executive dysfunction in the grand scheme of things, but I was just wondering if anyone else gets stuck on doors.