I just got diagnosed!!!?

Just got off the phone call where I got my results. It took 24 minutes. I am diagnosed with high functioning autism + anxiety (well the anxiety isn't new). She in-depth explained why they came to that conclusion.They also explained the IQ test I did, which shows I'm average on verbal and thinking skills. She also explained why I don't meet adhd criteria and how my answers to adhd specific questions only further links to autism. She explained that in 2 weeks I'll get a full documentation where it will also explain why (everything she told me already really + more in-depth info). She also gave tips on what I can do now. The document will also outline tips for me and resources I'm entitled to. And they're sending the same document over to the local psychiatry I'm registered at. So that I can get specific help there.

I am so...relieved. Empty. Yet wanna cry. Yet wanna cheer. It's like finally I have an official diagnosis that explains me.

I'm not ready to tell my parents yet. My mom said yesterday "Oh you don't have autism". For now, this diagnosis is for me. Just for now.