Omg??! So long and finally. How am I gonna sleep knowing this???! she'd call me in the late-ish morning after finishing up everything. I am so anxious. So excited. What if I'm not autistic? I'd have to leave this safe space and I'll feel like I've been a huge fricking fraud for the past months.

My mom told me, and the assessor during her interview, "She (me) can't be autistic - her sister is so I know what it looks like." which is..ugh. My sis has "stereotype" autism so to speak. I used to do opposite of what she did as a child because In my eyes I wasn't autistic thus not allowed to do autistic things lol. But maybe I am not??! Ahhhhedfjdilwld.

Anyways. AHH??! Might be my last time here on the sub. Or maybe I am autistic. I'll both be relieved to know what's up with me, but also..just..ah???! Finally.

Edit: 1 hour left. Idk how I'm gonna focus in school. Also I'm sorry for the sorta aggressive title, I didn't realise how aggressive all caps would look hah. 😅 Idk how to edit it. Thanks for the support!!