The twins birthday gifts?
Maybe I’m nitpicking here but this is bothering me; when they go into the toy shop fidan says you can pick one toy each - any toy! They look around and then the next clip is her talking about magic mixes (or whatever they’re called) K seemed excited but was still looking at toys and then they had a shopping break and went into target.
All of a sudden anything K is picking out - (pikachu) she’s saying no you don’t want that we’re looking for magic mixies and you even hear K saying I’ll find it for you! fidan fires back quickly saying no we’re finding it for YOU, and to top it off she reads out the price $99 like why are you telling them the price of their birthday gift? You obviously know about the brand and it’s well known they are expensive why would you read out the price like you can’t afford it? Any other day I’d be like okay educate them on money and expenses but it just didn’t sit right with me that it’s their birthday gift and you’re trying to guilt them into buying something cheaper?
Also sidenote she favours C over K it’s so obvious