your most optimistic and most pessimistic views/expectations for Australian gun laws in the future?
as title says, what are your optimistic and pessimistic views of Australian gun laws?
here are mine:
semi auto centrefire rifles with fixed magazines to cat C
semi auto rimfires with a magazine capacity of less than 10 to cat B
handgun hunting licences created
pistols on private land
cat C available to shooters who have held a licence for 15 years or more (no idea about this one, just an idea)
Pump action centrefires to cat C
push button/lever release shotguns banned from import
straight pull shotguns to cat C
lever release rimfires to cat C
semi auto air rifles to cat C
just keen to hear your opinions.
also, extra question: you can lock Australian gun laws as they stand today. this means no further firearms can get banned but none can be downgraded. do you do it?